An aspiring web developer needs to learn different programming languages to build a functional website. It is important for a programmer to have a solid knowledge of JavaScript and its library, jQuery. However, you do not need to undergo separate training on JavaScript and jQuery. We have included both in our comprehensive training course. In 30 days, you will have basic skills for using JS and jQuery for your web development projects.
What is covered in JavaScript & jQuery course?
- Syntax
- Variables, Strings, Objects, Arrays etc.
- Methods
- Functions
- Ajax, JSON
- Uses of JavaScript
- The JS ecosystem
- Linking your JS file
- The console and arrow functions
- Debugging errors and a lot of other things
- Embedding jQuery
- Using different JS libraries.
An overview of JavaScript and jQuery
JavaScript has 2 parts: one is the core language, and the other one is the DOM API. There is an interaction between the JS engine and HTML through DOM API.
jQuery is a lightweight, easy to use JS library, helping you write JS codes faster. As a beginner-level coder, you must learn jQuery, as it is one of the most popular JS library.
jQuery is designed only for DOM manipulation. The major purpose is to let the JS library manage cross-browser compatibility problems & speed up the coding process.
Why should you learn JavaScript?
There are several reasons for learning JS:
JS can make your website more interactive: JS deals with different things like website content structure, user interactions, events. You can use your JavaScript knowledge to create charts, games, calculators, interactive web forms and much more.
Easy to use and beginner-friendly: There is no need to have prior programming skills before learning JavaScript. If you are a novice, you can learn basic JavaScript in a month.
The most commonly used programming language: JavaScript plays a dominant role in the world of programming. Developers use JS to build games, applications, and websites.
JS works on major web browsers: Almost every browser is compatible with JavaScript. It is another reason for learning this programming language.
A professional full stack developer should have a working knowledge of jQuery. As it is a small library, it does not consume much space. It works with almost any web browser. Moreover, jQuery is compliant with CSS3. Let us analyze some other reasons for learning jQuery to develop websites.
Simplicity is the biggest factor: jQuery users have claimed that syntax and codes are not complicated. You can easily use it on your website.
Open Source: Available free of cost, jQuery will save you money.
A large community: If you ever get stuck developing a solution in jQuery, chances are you will find a solution online after a simple Google search. There is a very large user base for both JavaScript & jQuery.
So, you can now join our JavaScript and jQuery course to become a successful web developer.